1927 Born in Indonesia, raised from 1949 in The Netherlands
1927 Born in Indonesia, raised from 1949 in The Netherlands
Finished his studies at the Rietveld Academie in 1954, in the same year he started at “Goedwonen”this was a media medium for modern furniture. He designed for well-known companies, Artifort, Fristho, Bruynzeel, Mosa and CAR Katwijk. many of his work is adopted by museums.
Danish architect Hans J. Wegner is considered a pioneer as furniture designer in the twentieth century.
Louis C. Kalff (1897-1976), art director and designer at Philips
Jewelry designer Franck Ligtelijn (1933-1996) became part of the design team at renowned Dutch lighting manufacturer Raak in the early 1960s
Martine Le Forestier is a French designer born September 3th 1945.
She studied in Paris at the ENS AMAA, National School of Applied Arts and Crafts. In 1969 she won a price with her design of this lamp.
born in milan on 21/08/1939.
He graduated with a thesis in Industrial Design, architecture at the Milan Polytechnic in 1967.
was born in Varedo in 1911. Son of Gaetano, a well-known furniture maker in his “Atelier di Varedo”. In the family business, 16-year-old Osvaldo receives the first training
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